> This Mod Is The TeamSpeak3 Sepura SC20 Sound Pack.
> No Bugs.
> Features Connected, Disconnected, Channel Switched, Mic Clicks On & Off and Whisper Notify.
> Installation Instructions Are In The Information.txt.
> Made By: Jonesey's Mods.
> Please Do Not Re-Upload Under Any Means Necessary.
> This pack is a modification for TeamSpeak, It adds a new additional sound pack to your TeamSpeak for further realism in regards to how it sounds, This may be updated in future. I have decided to release it now due to little interest to purchase it and due to GTA5MODS not allowing TeamSpeak modifications as far as i'm aware i am uploading them here first on Union Mods. This may be uploaded at other sites later on.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bibIq6jYPZQ&ab_channel=J.Jonesey%234002
> V3 - Updated "You were moved" for CAD/MDT integrations that automatically move you to the channels. So now you will here the channel switched sound.
poke noise not whisper noise, sorry
Reply Reportmissed an opportunity to have the whisper noise as the callback noise
Reply Report