This is a fictional Mercedes Sprinter IRU (LX67 AEG) - This is just a SKIN no model is included as I don't own the model if you want a link to the original model then there is a link at the bottom of this.
-Feel free to use this skin in your community but if you want to use the model follow the TOU provided by the owner on the original model link.
I have also fixed the issue of the plate at the front of the skin being yellow it is now white as it should be.
- Credits:
Model purchased from: Asquith
lights: radley, edits made by jd45
Beacon: JD45
Skin: O.Brown
Templating: X.Hargreaves
3d Modeling: B.Orton/X.Hargreaves
Awning: Steely Dan
Medical Boot: State Zero Modifications
Woodway Nightowl: Chivvy147 Modifications
Setup: B.Orton
Textures: B.Orton
Screenshots: X.Hargreaves
Link to original model:
Hello fella he didn’t rip this skin he has the pdn for this skin so before you try and call someone out for ripping get your facts straight thanks
Reply ReportBy all means if you want me to send you my one so you can actually get your head around the differences then shaquilleoatmeal1982 is my discord and I can show you because you clearly don't understand what I am saying to you here.
Reply ReportLook at all the Battenburg the windows the spacing in the Battenburg on the original model is completely different mate clearly cant see that
Reply Reportb y changing the top side ambo sign and putting a sticker on the back long with the yellow plates dont make it a new skin did u do it from a template from scratch or just use the orig skin looks to me like nope just ripped and changed a skin
Reply ReportClearly isn't if you download the original file and then the skin I done they are different
Reply Reportskins just been ripped from here and changed the top ambulance sign
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